kathie prince - musician, teacher, singer

Dorset County Hospital Choir

The Dorset County Hospital Choir offered staff of DCH the chance to sing, laugh and de-stress at the end of their working day. Singing is a perfect example of the positive power of the mind-body connection and Kathie created this choir as a wonderful way for her singers to relax and rejuvenate.


The DCH choir performed for the first time at the combined choirs Christmas Concert in December 2019 and were a fantastic addition to a very jolly event! A great time was had by all.

Kathie conducts DCH and Nightingales Children's Choir at Holy Trinity Church

Kathie conducts the DCH Choir and Nightingales Children’s Choir at the Christmas Concert 2019

When funding for the project ended, Dorset County Hospital singers were invited to join Kathie’s new choir, Cloud 9 Chorus: a collaboration of three smaller choirs (DCH, VIVA! and Heart & Soul). This provided an opportunity for those who wanted to continue enjoying making music together to do so, whilst making new friends and enjoying more opportunities to perform as a larger choir.  Are you interested in singing in a choir? No prior experience needed! Please join us for a free taster session. New members are welcome at any point in the year. For more information, contact Kathie on 07826 385301 or email  singing@kathieprincemusic.co.uk